Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Final Thoughts on Learn and Play

Loved It!
Learned It!
Had fun with It!
Could have used a bit more time with It! (Literally finished the last 7 steps in the last two hours).

I do plan on continuing my tech education by going back to some of the steps I moved through more quickly than I would have liked. I hope CML keeps the Learn and Play site active so we can continue to revist and learn some areas in more depth.

Overall....Learn and Play Rocks! Great Experience!


I am very familiar with MOLDI since I help customers troubleshoot and find titles on MOLDI while working InfoLine. I had a staff member tell me a wonderful story today about helping a student find a needed title MOLDI at the last hour. The important lesson here, is, consider all options when looking for resources for customers. Continue to think outside the box in finding what they need...don't just stop at DP or ILL. MOLDI is an excellent resource for those "on the go" but we also need to remember it is a great back up resource for students and book clubs, etc.

Pod Casts

I'm not too crazy about Podcasts at this point. I will explore futher, when I have more time. I did peruse some of the podcast directories and it was almost overwhelming to choose.

You Tube

Thanks to my son, and some friends, I have become very familiar with YouTube over the last year or so. My favorites include comedy and animals. I've also witnessed my nephew doing a strip tease with a friend. (oh boy!) I do have some concerns that content can vary and my child could stumble across some questionable videos. But, just like we tell parents at the library, that is my responsibility to monitor what she is viewing online. Overall, I think You Tube is fun. If I could just pull myself away from Pogo more often, I would spend more time on You Tube!

CML's Toolbox

I'm working on this from home and I've had the CML tool bar installed since day one. What I never noticed, however, were the links at the bottom of the page. I discovered Stumbleupon on our toolbox page. Its really cool...helps you find websites that are of interest to you. Love it!

Web 2.0 Awards

I had fun with this one. I plan on going back and exploring some more when I have more time (working under the Dec 3rd deadline right now). I looked up a chronic condition my husband was just diagnosed with and, being a Pogo lover, I had to check out the other game sites. What fun!

Google Docs

All I can say is....that totally rocks! While I am still thinking about the various uses of Google Docs at the library, I know it will be extremely handy at home. My daughter is getting to the age where she needs to type up documents and create presentations for school. This discovery will make our lives so much easier and creative! Thank You Learn and Play!

Wiki Sandbox

I've asked for an account but apparently it takes awhile before you really have an account. As soon as I get notification that I'm "good" I'll attach my blog. In the meantime, since I'm working under the wire, I'll post this for now! I do love Wiki's by the way. They Rock!

Library 2.0

I've got to do a lot more reading on this subject, but at first glance (or should I say first article read) I find the concept of Library 2.0 exciting. Its time that the library become more user driven! Duh! That is how we keep them coming back..our users are part of the process and thus, a part of their library. So many customers refert to CML as "my" library. With Library 2.0 that will now really become their reality!